I had the same issue when having a page loading indicator on SvelteKit for internal navigating. Any page DOM modification, to display the loading indicator during the page navigating, caused the paged appearing twice error. The workaround was to not modify the page during the navigating and use only CSS to display, animate and hide the loading indicator.
Here is my loading indicator code and Here is my documentation regarding the issue. I am not sure if this an internal bug in SvelteKit, so I did not file any bug reports, as I do not have a clean repeatable example. You can also see the fixed page loading indicator on the action on this page if you click any of the blockchains.
* Svelte does not give a load indication if you hit a link that leads to a page with slow load() function.
* Svelte uses internal router, not server-side loading.
* Thus, we need to manually give some indication in the user interface if the loading takes more than a blink of an eye.
* The component is originally made for https://tradingstrategy.ai
* Based on the original implementation https://github.com/shajidhasan/sveltekit-page-progress-demo by Shajid Hasan.
* As this component is absolutely position, you can put it at any part of your __layout.svelte.
import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion';
import { cubicOut } from 'svelte/easing';
const navigationState = writable();
const progress = tweened(0, {
duration: 3500,
easing: cubicOut
const unsubscribe = navigationState.subscribe((state) => {
// You will always get state=undefined
// event on the server-side rendering, so
// safely ignore it
//console.log("The loading state is", state);
if (state === 'loading-with-progress-bar') {
progress.set(0, { duration: 0 });
progress.set(0.8, { duration: 5000 });
} else if (state === 'loaded') {
progress.set(1, { duration: 1000 });
onMount(() => {
// progress.set(0.7);
onDestroy(() => {
<!-- See the (little) documentation of special SvelteKit events here https://kit.svelte.dev/docs#events -->
on:sveltekit:navigation-start={() => {
// If the page loads fast enough in the preloading state,
// never display the progress bar
$navigationState = 'preloading';
// Delay the progress bar to become visible an eyeblink... only show if the page load takes too long
setTimeout(function() {
// After 250ms switch preloading to loading-with-progress-bar
if($navigationState === 'preloading') {
$navigationState = 'loading-with-progress-bar';
}, 500);
on:sveltekit:navigation-end={() => {
$navigationState = 'loaded';
Make sure the container component is always in the DOM structure.
If we make changes to the page structure during the navigation, we get a page double render error:
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.
Thus, make sure any progress animation is done using CSS only.
<div class="page-progress-bar" class:loaded={$navigationState === 'loaded'} class:preloading={$navigationState === 'preloading'} class:loading={$navigationState === 'loading-with-progress-bar'}>
<div class="progress-sliver" style={`--width: ${$progress * 100}%`} />
/* Always stay fixed at the top, but stay transparent if no activity is going on */
.page-progress-bar {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
height: 0.5rem;
background: transparent;
z-index: 100;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.5s;
/* After transitioning from preloading to loading state, make the progress bar visible with CSS transition on opacity */
.page-progress-bar.loading {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 0.5s;
.progress-sliver {
width: var(--width);
background-color: var(--price-up-green);
height: 100%;