I've just stumbled upon this question and, although it's an old one, I thought it would be useful to add a couple of possibilities not mentioned in the answers given. Also, things have moved on a bit in the last few years, so it is worth emphasising that SQL and NoSQL are moving closer to each other.
One of the commenters brought up the wise cautionary attitude that “if data is relational, use relational”. However, that comment only makes sense in the relational world, where schemas always come before the application.
RELATIONAL WORLD: Structure data > Write application to get it
NOSQL WORLD: Design application > Structure data accordingly
Even if data is relational, NoSQL is still an option. For example, one-to-many relationships are no problem at all and are widely covered in MongoDB docs
Since this question was posted, there have been serious attempts at bringing noSQL closer to SQL. The team led by Yannis Papakonstantinou at the University of California (San Diego) have been working on FORWARD, an implementation of SQL++ which could soon be the solution to persistent problems like the one posted here.
At a more practical level, the release of Couchbase 4.0 has meant that, for the first time, you can do native JOINs in NoSQL. They use their own N1QL. This is an example of a JOIN
from their tutorials:
SELECT usr.personal_details, orders
FROM users_with_orders usr
USE KEYS "Elinor_33313792"
JOIN orders_with_users orders
ON KEYS ARRAY s.order_id FOR s IN usr.shipped_order_history END
N1QL allows for most if not all SQL operations including aggregration, filtering, etc.
If MongoDB is still the only option, then I'd like to go back to my point that the application should take precedence over the structure of data. None of the answers mention hybrid embedding, whereby most queried data is embedded in the document/object, and references are kept for a minority of cases.
Example: can information (other than role name) wait? could bootstrapping the application be faster by not requesting anything that the user doesn't need yet?
This could be the case if user logs in and s/he needs to see all the options for all the roles s/he belongs to. However, the user is an “Engineer” and options for this role are rarely used. This means the application only needs to show the options for an engineer in case s/he wants to click on them.
This can be achieved with a document which tells the application at the start (1) which roles the user belongs to and (2) where to get information about an event linked to a particular role.
{_id: ObjectID(),
roles: [[“Engineer”, “ObjectId()”],
[“Administrator”, “ObjectId()”]]
Or, even better, index the role.name field in the roles collection, and you may not need to embed ObjectID() either.
Another example: is information about ALL the roles requested ALL the time?
It could also be the case that the user logs in to the dashboard and 90% of the time performs tasks linked to the “Engineer” role. Hybrid embedding could be done for that particular role in full and keep references for the rest only.
{_id: ObjectID(),
roles: [{name: “Engineer”,
property1: value1,
property2: value2
[“Administrator”, “ObjectId()”]
Being schemaless is not just a characteristic of NoSQL, it could be an advantage in this case. It's perfectly valid to nest different types of objects in the “Roles” property of an user object.