I have generated a Metro client using wsimport before, but in that case the WSDL was accessed over https. My commaned looked like this:
wsimport https://service.net/services/Service?wsdl -d C:\ClientProject\src\main\java -keep
and everything worked fine. Now I am trying to generate a client, however, I only have a local copy of the WSDL file. My project directory is set up like this (in c:\Devel):
|- src
|- main
|- java
|- resources
|- service.wsdl
|- wsimport.bat
The wsimport.bat file looks like this:
wsimport -keep -d ../src/main/java -wsdlLocation ../src/resources/META-INF/service.wsdl
which was based on the Metro Guide example but without the -p option (http://metro.java.net/guide/Developing_client_application_with_locally_packaged_WSDL.html). However, when I run the bat file, I get an endless loop of of the command being printed to the console. E.g.
C:\Devel\ClientProject>wsimport -keep -d ../src/main/java -wsdlLocation ../src/resources/META-INF/service.wsdl
Can somebody point out what I'm doing wrong?
I have tried using absolute paths (and rearranging the param order to no avail. I still get the endless command console prints:
wsimport C:\Devel\ClientProject\src\resources\META-INF\service.wsdl -d C:\Devel\ClientProject\src\main\java -keep