I am pretty sure I am missing something really basic here.
I want to test if a before_save
callback does what it is supposed to do, not just that it is called.
I wrote the following test:
it 'should add lecture to question_type' do
@course = Factory :course,
:start_time => Time.now - 1.hour,
:end_time => Time.now
@question = Factory.create(:question,
:course_id => @course.id,
:created_at => Time.now - 10.minutes)
@question.question_type.should == 'lecture'
And I have the following factories for course
and question
Factory.define :course do |c|
c.dept_code {"HIST"}
c.course_code { Factory.next(:course_code) }
c.start_time { Time.now - 1.hour }
c.end_time { Time.now }
c.lecture_days { ["Monday", Time.now.strftime('%A'), "Friday"] }
Factory.define :question do |q|
q.content {"Why don't I understand this class!?"}
q.association :course
And I wrote the following callback in my Question
before_save :add_type_to_question
def add_type_to_question
@course = Course.find(self.course_id)
now = Time.now
if (time_now > lecture_start_time && time_now < lecture_end_time ) && @course.lecture_days.map{|d| d.to_i}.include?(Time.now.wday)
self.question_type = "lecture"
The test keeps failing saying that "got: nil" for question_type instead of 'lecture'
Since I didn't see anything obviously wrong with my implementation code, I tried the callback in my development environment and it actually worked adding 'lecture' to question_type.
This makes me think that there might be something wrong with my test. What am I missing here? Does Factory.create
skip callbacks by default?