I'm working on a proxy and for generic classes with a reference type parameter it was very slow. Especially for generic methods (about 400 ms vs 3200 ms for trivial generic methods that just returned null). I decided to try to see how it would perform if I rewrote the generated class in C#, and it performed much better, about the same performance as my non-generic class code.
Here is the C# class I wrote:: (note I changed by naming scheme but not a heck of a lot)::
namespace TestData
public class TestClassProxy<pR> : TestClass<pR>
private InvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, object>> _0_Test;
private InvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, pR, GenericToken, object>> _1_Test;
private static readonly InvocationHandler[] _proxy_handlers = new InvocationHandler[] {
new InvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, object>>(new Func<TestClass<pR>, object>(TestClassProxy<pR>.s_0_Test)),
new GenericInvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, pR, GenericToken, object>>(typeof(TestClassProxy<pR>), "s_1_Test") };
public TestClassProxy(InvocationHandler[] handlers)
if (handlers == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("handlers");
if (handlers.Length != 2)
throw new ArgumentException("Handlers needs to be an array of 2 parameters.", "handlers");
this._0_Test = (InvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, object>>)(handlers[0] ?? _proxy_handlers[0]);
this._1_Test = (InvocationHandler<Func<TestClass<pR>, pR, GenericToken, object>>)(handlers[1] ?? _proxy_handlers[1]);
private object __0__Test()
return base.Test();
private object __1__Test<T>(pR local1) where T:IConvertible
return base.Test<T>(local1);
public static object s_0_Test(TestClass<pR> class1)
return ((TestClassProxy<pR>)class1).__0__Test();
public static object s_1_Test<T>(TestClass<pR> class1, pR local1) where T:IConvertible
return ((TestClassProxy<pR>)class1).__1__Test<T>(local1);
public override object Test()
return this._0_Test.Target(this);
public override object Test<T>(pR local1)
return this._1_Test.Target(this, local1, GenericToken<T>.Token);
This is compiles in release mode to the same IL as my generated proxy here is the class that its proxying::
namespace TestData
public class TestClass<R>
public virtual object Test()
return default(object);
public virtual object Test<T>(R r) where T:IConvertible
return default(object);
There was one-exception, I was not setting the beforefieldinit attribute on the type generated. I was just setting the following attributes::public auto ansi
Why did using beforefieldinit make the performance improve so much?
(The only other difference was I wasn't naming my parameters which really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
The names for methods and fields are scrambled to avoid collision with real methods.
GenericToken and InvocationHandlers are implementation details that are irrelevant for sake of argument.
GenericToken is literally used as just a typed data holder as it allows me to send "T" to the handler
InvocationHandler is just a holder for the delegate field target there is no actual implementation detail.
GenericInvocationHandler uses a callsite technique like the DLR to rewrite the delegate as needed to handle the different generic arguments passed )
EDIT:: Here is the test harness::
private static void RunTests(int count = 1 << 24, bool displayResults = true)
var tests = Array.FindAll(Tests, t => t != null);
var maxLength = tests.Select(x => GetMethodName(x.Method).Length).Max();
for (int j = 0; j < tests.Length; j++)
var action = tests[j];
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (displayResults)
Console.WriteLine("{2} {0}: {1}ms", GetMethodName(action.Method).PadRight(maxLength),
((int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString(), j);
private static string GetMethodName(MethodInfo method)
return method.IsGenericMethod
? string.Format(@"{0}<{1}>", method.Name, string.Join<Type>(",", method.GetGenericArguments()))
: method.Name;
And in a test I do the following::
Tests[0] = () => proxiedTestClass.Test();
Tests[1] = () => proxiedTestClass.Test<string>("2");
Tests[2] = () => handClass.Test();
Tests[3] = () => handClass.Test<string>("2");
RunTests(100, false);
Where Tests is a Func<object>[20]
, and proxiedTestClass
is the class generated by my assembly, and handClass
is the one I generated by hand.
RunTests is called twice, once to "warm" things up, and again to run it and print to the screen. I mostly took this code from a post here by Jon Skeet.
just moved the initialization outside of your measurements. – Manama