Google suggests delegating calls to a parent object when you need to invoke functionality of the real object, however this does not really create a partial (hybrid) mock. When invoking the real object, any method calls are those of the real object and not the mock object, on which you may have set up actions/expectations. How do I create a partial mock that delegates only specific methods to the real object, and all other method calls to the mock object?
Delegate to real object example
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::Invoke;
class MockFoo : public Foo {
MockFoo() {
// By default, all calls are delegated to the real object.
ON_CALL(*this, DoThis())
.WillByDefault(Invoke(&real_, &Foo::DoThis));
ON_CALL(*this, DoThat(_))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(&real_, &Foo::DoThat));
MOCK_METHOD0(DoThis, ...);
MOCK_METHOD1(DoThat, ...);
Foo real_;
MockFoo mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, DoThis())
EXPECT_CALL(mock, DoThat("Hi"))
... use mock in test ...