What unwind said is true and the attritbutes are defined by the MPLAB extension for gcc. It's been a while since i've worked with microcontrollers so i can't provide more details on this front. However for your specific application (embedded c on pic micro-controller). The above is the proper way of declaring a function that is meant to implement an interrupt subroutine for timer 1. Interrupt subroutines rarely return anything, If you need to capture the value in the register i recommend you use the following structure as a global variable:
typedef struct T1OUT
int timer_register_value;
int flag;
} T1InteruptCapture;
The timer_register_value is the value you want out of your subroutine. While the flag value is memory lock that prevents the subroutine from over-writing your previous value. There are different ways of getting values out of your subroutine. I found this to be the easiest and the most time efficient. You can also look into implementing a mini-buffer. I recommend you avoid pointer with embedded C. I don't know if things have changed, in the last couple of years.
edit 1: MPLAB has some of the best documentation i've ever seen. I recommend you have a look at the one for your specific microcontroller. They provide sample code with great explanations.
edit 2: I not sure why you're using gcc. I would recommend you get the pic compiler from MPLAB. I believe it was called C30. and the associated .h file.