Which property, if any, in ggplot
the width (or amount of blank space) of the axis text?
In the example below, my ultimate goal is to "push in" the left-hand side of the top graph so that it lines up with the bottom graph.
I tried theme(plot.margin=..)
but that affects the margin of the entire plot.
'ing doesn't help either, since the scales on the y are different.
As a last resort, I realize I could modify the axis text itself, but then I would also need to calculate the cuts for each graph.
Reproducible Example:
D <- data.frame(x=LETTERS[1:5], y1=1:5, y2=1:5 * 10^6)
P.base <- ggplot(data=D, aes(x=x)) +
Plots <- list(
short = P.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y1), stat="identity", width=.5)
, long = P.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y2), stat="identity", width=.5)
do.call(grid.arrange, c(Plots, ncol=1, main="Sample Plots"))
is no good at aligning plots, you should always use gtable for this. – Negrophoberbind_gtable
is not an exported function? – Musjidrbind.gtable
is exported as a method, but it calls this function with Reduce for multiple gtables. Either that, or hadley has a weakness for underscores. – Negrophobe