I configured my git to resolve merge conflicts with Sublimerge. For this, I was run:
git config --global merge.tool sublimerge
git config --global mergetool.sublimerge.cmd 'subl -n --wait \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$MERGED\" --command \"sublimerge_diff_views\"'
git config --global mergetool.sublimerge.trustExitCode 'false'
git config --global diff.tool sublimerge
git config --global difftool.sublimerge.cmd 'subl -n --wait \"$REMOTE\" \"$LOCAL\" --command \"sublimerge_diff_views {\\\"left_read_only\\\": true, \\\"right_read_only\\\": true}\"'
When I run git mergetool, the Sublime will opening with four columns: .remote, .base, .local and the current file. But, all columns are empty.
And all columns names has a " after the file extension, like: file.php.REMOTE.44625.php", file.php.BASE.44625.php", file.php.LOCAL.44625.php"and file.php". Then i cant edit the conflict.
Anybody can help me?
git difftool
? Is there anything in the sublime text console (ctrl `)? presumably you're usling linux/mac? What did you get in the global config file ~/.gitconfig ? – Chasitychasmgit config --global merge.tool smerge
will be enough. See my answer below. – Astraea