From discussion in comments, I have arrived at some key points that I would like to share.
Pre-Signed URLs
As @ceejayoz pointed out, pre-signed
URLs are not a bad idea because:
- I can keep time as low as 10 seconds which is perfect for any redirects and to start download, but not enough for the link to be shared.
- My previous understanding was that the download has to finish in the given time. So if the link expires in 10 seconds, the download has to happen before that. But @ceejayoz pointed that is not the case. The download which have started is allowed to finish.
- With
cloud front
, I can also restrict on the IP address, to add more security.
IAM Roles
He also pointed out another not so great method - to create temporary IAM users. This is a maintenance nightmare if not done correctly, so only do if you know what you are doing.
Stream From S3
This is the method that I have chosen for now. Maybe later I will move to the first method.
Warning: If you stream, then your server is still the middleman and all the data will go via your server. So if it fails, or is slow, your download will be slow.
My first question was how to register stream wrapper
Since I am using Laravel and laravel uses flysystem for S3 management, there was no easy way for me to get the S3Client. Hence I added additional package AWS SDK for Laravel
in my composer.json
"aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel" : "~3.0"
Then I wrote my code as follows:
class FileDelivery extends Command implements SelfHandling
private $client;
private $remoteFile;
private $bucket;
public function __construct($remoteFile)
$this->client = AWS::createClient('s3');
$this->bucket = 'mybucket';
$this->remoteFile = $remoteFile;
public function handle()
// First get the meta-data of the object.
$headers = $this->client->headObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->bucket,
'Key' => $this->remoteFile
$headers = $headers['@metadata'];
if($headers['statusCode'] !== 200)
throw new S3Exception();
catch(S3Exception $e)
return 404;
// return appropriate headers before the stream starts.
header("Last-Modified: {$headers['headers']['last-modified']}");
header("ETag: {$headers['headers']['etag']}");
header("Content-Type: {$headers['headers']['content-type']}");
header("Content-Length: {$headers['headers']['content-length']}");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$this->filename}\"");
// Since file sizes can be too large,
// buffers can suffer because they cannot store huge amounts of data.
// Thus we disable buffering before stream starts.
// We also flush anything pending in buffer.
// Start the stream.
My second question was Do I need to Disable output buffering
in laravel?
The answer IMHO is yes. The buffering lets the data flushed immediately from the buffer, resulting in lower memory consumption. Since we are not using any laravel function to offload the data to client, this is not done by laravel and hence needs to be done by us.
"IpAddress":{"AWS:SourceIp":"optional IP address"}
- which will add some additional security to your scheme. – Refutative