I have 3 jar files and a .java file that depends on these jar files. How do I compile the .java file with these jar files using a command prompt?
You can include your jar files in the "javac" command using the "-cp" option.
javac -cp ".:/home/path/mail.jar:/home/path/servlet.jar;" MyJavaFile.java
Instead of "-cp" you could also use "-classpath"
javac -classpath ".:/home/path/mail.jar:/home/path/servlet.jar:" MyJavaFile.java
You could including the jars every time you compile by setting the environment variable "CLASSPATH" correctly. The environment variable will store the path where the jars and classes that needs to be used for compiling/executing any java file. You will not have to include the jars individually every time you compile you file.
Different machines have different methods to set the classpath as an environment variable. The commands for Windows, Linux, etc are different.
You can find more details in this blog.
javac -classpath ".:/home/path/mail.jar;/home/path/servlet.jar" MyJavaFile.java
worked for me. I was using mac. I read somewhere that ':' is used for unix. –
Drumlin .:
do? sorry if it is a dumb question, but it is not obvious to me. –
Nyctophobia javac -cp .:/home/path/mail.jar:/home/path/servlet.jar; MyJavaFile.java
Utility .
mean your current directory, you can replace it with your current full directory path. :
just a separator for Unix-like OSes, on Windows, it should be ;
Ungovernable Please try on Linux
javac -cp jarfile source file
javac -cp .:/jars/* com/template/*.java
replaced with the directory in which my JAR files are located, I get the error message javac: invalid flag: /location/of/first/jar/file.jar
. –
Bilberry .:./jars/*
works when trying to point to a local project directory jar/
. –
Hardpan Syntax will work on windows dos command:
javac -cp ".;first.jar;second.jar;third.jar" MyJavaFile.java
The followings are steps,
Copy all jars and your .java file in a same folder (It will be easy to mention file names instead of mentioning long path. Though you can keep jar and .java in separate folders).
To compile,
javac -cp .:<file_1_name>.jar:<file_2_name>.jar <prog_name>.java
To execute,
java -cp .:<file_1_name>.jar:<file_2_name>.jar <prog_name>
I hope this helps!
Try to add all dependency jar files to your class path through environment variable settings or use the below steps:
- Open command prompt.
- Change directory to the location of you java file that you would like compile.
Set the classpath for your dependency jar files as shown below:
set classpath=C:\Users\sarath_sivan\Desktop\jars\servlet-api.jar; C:\Users\sarath_sivan\Desktop\jars\spring-jdbc-3.0.2.RELEASE; C:\Users\sarath_sivan\Desktop\jars\spring-aop-3.0.2.RELEASE;
Now, you may compile your java file. (command:
javac YourJavaFile.java
Hope this will resolve your dependency issue.
This will create .class file:
javac -classpath "[jarname with specified path]" [java filename]
This will execute class file:
java -cp [jarname with specified path]: [java filename]
javac -classpath "/home/scorncer/Downloads/spark-core-2.3.jar" MyFile.java
and **run java -cp /home/scorncer/Downloads/spark-core-2.3.jar: MyFile.java also i tried java -cp /home/scorncer/Downloads/spark-core-2.3.jar: MyFile
Tharpe Try This.
javac -cp .:jars/jar1:jars/jar2:jars/jar3 com/source/*.java
javac -cp jars/jar1:jars/jar2:jars/jar3 abc.java
With -cp command we specify the path where to find the additional libraries which are required to compile the class. jar1, jar2 and jar3, available in jars folder are used to compile abc.java class.
You need to specify the dependencies in compile time as well as runtime
To compile use this format
javac -cp "*.jar;classfile_path" filename.java
javac -cp "ojdbc6.jar;c:\programs" Main.java
some times making following change works:
java -cp ".;%CLASSPATH%" classfilename
Note: ON Windows. For linux use $CLASSPATH
If you are using Ubuntu:
/opt/JavaServices/sqlite $ export CLASSPATH=/opt/JarFiles/XXXX.jar:/opt/JarFiles/XXXX.jar:/opt/JavaServices/;javac SQLiteSample.java
Go to folder location (Out of package structure)
/opt/JavaServices $ export CLASSPATH=/opt/JarFiles/XXXXX.jar:/opt/JarFiles/XXXXX.jar:/opt/JavaServices/;java sqlite.SQLiteSample
Note: Please see the file locations and package names
Plenty of these answers helped me, but none that were exactly what I needed.
Windows OS
JAR file and java file are in same directory
javac -cp <jar filename>.jar <filename>.java
java -cp <jar filename>.jar; <filename>
Keep in mind the syntax needs to exactly match. Cannot exclude file extensions or the semi colon.
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java -cp ".;magic.jar" Foo
is okjava Foo -cp ".;magic.jar"
is not. – Bryna