Assume this table:
PruchaseID | Customer | Product | Method
1 | John | Computer | Credit
2 | John | Mouse | Cash
3 | Will | Computer | Credit
4 | Will | Mouse | Cash
5 | Will | Speaker | Cash
6 | Todd | Computer | Credit
I want to generate a report on each customer of what they bought, and their payment methods.
But I want that report to be one row per customer, such as:
Customer | Products | Methods
John | Computer, Mouse | Credit, Cash
Will | Computer, Mouse, Speaker | Credit, Cash
Todd | Computer | Credit
What I've found so far is to group-concatenate using the XML PATH
method, such as:
SELECT ', ' + xp.Product
FROM Purchases xp
WHERE xp.Customer = p.Customer
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS Products,
SELECT ', ' + xp.Method
FROM Purchases xp
WHERE xp.Customer = p.Customer
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS Methods
FROM Purchases
This gives me the result, but my concern is the speed of this.
At first glance there are three different selects going on here, two would each multiply by the number of rows Purchases has. Eventually this would slow down expenentially.
So, is there a way to do this with better performance?
I want to add even more columns to aggregate, should I do this STUFF() block for every column? That doesn't sound fast enough for me.
for xml path
, it might surprise you if you have for example&
in your data. Aaron Bertrand has made a comparison of different methods you might want to check out. – Blubber