I have this code in F# which finds the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20. It takes 10 seconds to complete.
let isDivisableByAll num (divisors: int[]) = Array.forall (fun div -> num % div = 0) divisors
let minNumDividedBy (divisors: int[]) =
let rec minNumDividedByAll stopAt acc =
if acc >= stopAt then 0
else if isDivisableByAll acc divisors then acc
else minNumDividedByAll stopAt (acc + 1)
minNumDividedByAll 400000000 1
minNumDividedBy [|1..20|]
So, I thought I could make it more elegant, because I prefer less code and wrote the following.
let answer = { 1..400000000 }
|> Seq.tryFind (fun el -> isDivisableByAll el [|1..20|])
It took 10 minutes! I couldn't explain the huge difference, since sequences are lazy. In an effort to investigate, I wrote an imperative loop.
let mutable i = 1
while i < 232792561 do
if isDivisableByAll i [|1..20|] then
printfn "%d" i
i <- i + 1
It took 8 minutes. Therefore, it's not the sequence's fault either, right? So, why is the initial function so fast? It can't be avoiding building up the stack, due to tail recursion, can it? Because I wouldn't expect a considerable stack if any, being built in the slow examples either.
It doesn't make much sense to me, can someone tell me?
Thank you.
outside the loop. – Coles