I am using a Castle Windsor Typed Factory. In our registration code it is set up so it can create a Transient component:
From my understanding of the Castle Windsor Typed Factory documentation I thought that a Transient object must be released by a Typed Factory method, otherwise the Typed Factory would keep a reference to the object. I tried to prove this by writing a test that used the method explained in this StackOverflow article.
But to my surprise it doesn't actually fail, implying that although I have not released the transient object back to the factory, it can still be reclaimed by the GC. I'm concerned that perhaps my test is misleading and there really is a leak.
So my question is: is my test wrong, or is the documentation wrong?
Here's the test:
var factory = container.Resolve<IThingFactory>();
WeakReference reference = null;
new Action(() =>
var service = factory.GetTransientObject();
reference = new WeakReference(service, true);
Assert.That(reference.Target, Is.Null, "reference should be null");