I'm new to F# and have a pretty annoying problem. I want to parse the following grammar:
Application := Expression Expression
Expression := "(" "lambda" Name "." Application ")"
| Name
Name := [a-z]+
That would match things like (lambda x. (lambda y. x y)) z
and (lambda x. x) y
My problem is that two rules depend on each other:
let popen = pchar '('
let pclose = pchar ')'
let pname = many1 letter |>> Seq.toArray |>> System.String |>> NameNode
let plambda = pstring "lambda"
let pdot = pchar '.'
let phead = plambda >>. pname .>> pdot
let pexpression =
popen >>. pname .>>. papplication .>> pclose |>> ExpressionNode
<|> pname
let papplication = pexpression .>>. pexpression
depends on papplication
and vicebersa. How can I get rid of that dependency?