I recently needed to convert my RODBC defined db connections to equivalent DBI connections. Here's the original RODBC function:
connect_to_access_rodbc <- function(db_file_path) {
# make sure that the file exists before attempting to connect
if (!file.exists(db_file_path)) {
stop("DB file does not exist at ", db_file_path)
# Assemble connection strings
dbq_string <- paste0("DBQ=", db_file_path)
driver_string <- "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"
db_connect_string <- paste0(driver_string, dbq_string)
myconn <- odbcDriverConnect(db_connect_string)
As explained here, the dbplyr package is built from the DBI package. The first argument of the DBI::dbConnect()
must be an appropriate back-end driver. See the link for a list of drivers. For Access, the odbc::odbc()
driver is suitable. The second argument the dbConnect function is the full connection string as used in the previous odbcDriverConnect call. With that in mind the following function should connect to your access database:
connect_to_access_dbi <- function(db_file_path) {
# make sure that the file exists before attempting to connect
if (!file.exists(db_file_path)) {
stop("DB file does not exist at ", db_file_path)
# Assemble connection strings
dbq_string <- paste0("DBQ=", db_file_path)
driver_string <- "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"
db_connect_string <- paste0(driver_string, dbq_string)
myconn <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
.connection_string = db_connect_string)
The odbc package documentation presents a more nuanced example as well:
. – Mambo