I am trying to use quantile in a loss function to train! (for some robustness, like least trimmed squares), but it mutates the array and Zygote throws an error Mutating arrays is not supported
, coming from sort!
. Below is a simple example (the content does not make sense of course):
using Flux, StatsBase
xdata = randn(2, 100)
ydata = randn(100)
model = Chain(Dense(2,10), Dense(10, 1))
function trimmedLoss(x,y; trimFrac=0.f05)
yhat = model(x)
absRes = abs.(yhat .- y) |> vec
trimVal = quantile(absRes, 1.f0-trimFrac)
s = sum(ifelse.(absRes .> trimVal, 0.f0 , absRes ))/(length(absRes)*(1.f0-trimFrac))
#s = sum(absRes)/length(absRes) # using this and commenting out the two above works (no surprise)
println(trimmedLoss(xdata, ydata)) #works ok
Flux.train!(trimmedLoss, params(model), zip([xdata], [ydata]), ADAM())
println(trimmedLoss(xdata, ydata)) #changed loss?
This is all in Flux 0.10 with Julia 1.2
Thanks in advance for any hints or workaround!