I want to start a unique global registered gen_server process in an erlang cluster. If the process is stopped or the node running it goes down, the process is to be started on one of the other nodes.
The process is part of a supervisor. The problem is that starting the supervisor on a second node fails because the gen_server is already running and registerd globally from the first node.
Is it ok to check if the process is already globally registered inside gen_server's start_link function and in this case return
{ok, Pid}
of the already running process instead of launching a new gen_server instance? - Is it correct, that this way the one process would be part of multiple supervisors and if the one process goes down all supervisors on all other nodes would try to restart the process. The first supervisor would create a new gen_server process and the other supervisors would all link to that one process again.
- Should I use some sort of
inside the gen_server's start_link function?
Example Code:
start_link() ->
global:trans({?MODULE, ?MODULE}, fun() ->
case gen_server:start_link({global, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []) of
{ok, Pid} ->
{ok, Pid};
{error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
{ok, Pid};
Else -> Else