It seems like whenever I use the Command Pattern, it always leads to a significantly larger number of classes than when I don't use it. This seems pretty natural, given that we're executing chunks of relevant code together in separate classes. It wouldn't bother me as much if I didn't finish with 10 or 12 Command subclasses for what I might consider a small project that would have only used 6 or 7 classes otherwise. Having 19 or so classes for a usual 7 class project seems almost wrong.
Another thing that really bothers me is that testing all of those Command subclasses is a pain. I feel sluggish after I get to the last few commands, as if I'm moving slower and no longer agile.
Does this sound familiar to you? Am I doing it wrong? I just feel that I've lost my agility late in this project, and I really don't know how to continuously implement and test with the speed that I had a few days ago.