I am still fairly new to Java programming and to JUnit testing. I use NetBeans 6.9.1 which comes with junit-4.5 (but I have added junit-4.8.2 to my library).
I have a number of test classes and in each class there are a number of @Test methods.
When I run a particular Test class it runs through each @Test method one at a time. I have also created a Test Suite with
@Suite.SuiteClasses(value = {
public class NewTestSuite {
which will run through each of my Test Classes and within each run each @Test method.
My question is: is it possible for me to run the Test Classes simultaneously? Or, within each Test Class is it possible to run the @Test methods simultaneously?
Doing so would allow me to run through all of the tests much faster than having the classes and methods run one-at-a-time.