This is a really silly question that I can't fine a difinitive answer to.
I'm using Eclipse (with one of the ANT plugins, on an XP terminal).
I have just started playing with ANT, in the [jar] directive I am setting the location of my finished JAR file and I get the following when I 'unzip' the file
which is consistent with that found on the oracle web site for the internal structure. (here )
But when I try to run my file I get a 'main class not found' error ?
I have seen some other posts where people have 'unzipped' the JAR file and ended up with a structure of the following...
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF dtvcontrol/DTVControlApp.class
(from here
So should I get a structure where my class files are in a directory that reflects the name of the package... eg
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF MyPackage/MyMainFile.class
and if so, why am I getting the incorrect structure using ANT, or why are there 2 different 'correct' internal structures? (how to specifify main-class and classpath for each / control what I get)
Also in case you are interested, in the MANIFEST file states (build using ANT) [attribute name="Main-Class" value="MyPackage.MyMainFile"/]
Also the directory structure of the package under development is as follows...
/JavaDev/MyTestPackage/src (contains the source files) //JavaDev/MyTestPackage/bin (contains the class files from eclipse, or from the ANT JAVAC task, have I named it incorrectly? should I have called it build ? )
Further to this, when I create the jar I am not naming it 'MyTestPackage.jar' but simply 'test.jar' could this be causing a problem? I assume not as if I have well understood that is what the [main-class] definition stuff is all about.
Further to all this...
'MyTestPackage' is actualy a small visual error messaging library that I use elsewhere, and I have a second file that has a main class to use for testing. As such it points to various libraries (do I need to copy all the SWT libraries to a specified directory?)
I have read somewhere that if I load libraries into my main class (which I obviously do to open the window) then trying to run the program will fail on a 'main class not found' if I use them, same is also true for adding in any 'static final' members (which I use for the loggin of errors).
'Static Final' problem... I tried to adjust the classpath in ANT, and I get a load of other errors for the connection to Log4J and my 'wrapper' that I use (to do with it being a bad import), but the libraries exist where they should as set in the classpath).
I feel like I am almost there.... but not quite...
I'm doing this for the small 'library projects' that I am creating with the intention of using MAVAN for the main outer package that will connect them all together... for now however I just want to get this going so as it works.
I can supply the full source, or any other info as required.
Thanks in advance...