I'm new in cassandra and hector.
I want to retrieve all columns of a row in Cassandra using hector. After some exploration on web i got some sample codes, but it requires range or column name, like,
SliceQuery<String,String,String> query = HFactory.createSliceQuery(keyspace, ss, ss, ss);
query.setColumnFamily("MyColumnFamily").setKey("S001").setRange(null, null, false, 100);
QueryResult<ColumnSlice<String,String>> result = query.execute();
for (HColumn<String, String> column : result.get().getColumns()) {
System.out.println(column.getName() +"::"+ column.getValue());
Here i need to set Range in setRange() method which retrieves columns in this range. We can also set start and end in this method, but this will also give columns of particular range. If i'm not setting range then I need to give Column names as array.
Is there any way to get all columns of particular row? I don't want to set range or column names, I just want all columns of a row. because in my application columns are not predefined.
Or is there any way to get total column count of a row so i can set it in setRange() method?