I have
/var/www/cool_codebase on www.example.com AND I have
/var/www/cool_codebase on www.example.net
The codebases are for the same web app running on different servers. There is some specialisation between the codebases (client-specific bits and bobs etc) - but not too much. One codebase has files that the other doesn't and vice-versa. Some bits of programming are different too.
I have downloaded each codebase to my localhost and my question is:
How can I merge these two folders into one folder and then commit it as one "grand unified codebase" into my SVN?
Should I put each codebase into its own SVN repo, and then merge these separate repos? Or can I merge the codebases before SVN - using some linux command for example - and then commit it to SVN?
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
I should add that the end result would be ONE "grand unified codebase" that we can deploy to both www.example.com and www.example.net with no hiccups.
(PS. Yes, I realise that whatever I do I'll have to edit some of the files and make the programming "generic" and so on. I don't mind this. I'm simply looking for ways to automate or semi-automate the whole thing.)