My environment:
macOS 10.13 python 3.7.1 from Homebrew
I'm having lots of Tcl/TK quirks on the stock Tcl/TK 8.5 under /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.5/
, and would like to upgrade my Tcl/TK.
But with this question I couldn't find any working tips for upgrading, including:
IDLE warns against an old TCL version even though I've installed a newer version
How do I link the ActiveState distribution of Tcl/Tk to HomeBrew installed Python
My test results
no longer works with the latest Homebrew. Runningbrew install python --with-tcl-tk
still points to system Tcl/TK 8.5.9.- The above is also tested with an uninstall/install cycle.
- Python keeps using system Tcl/TK after installing latest ActiveTcl.