I was given a homework assignment to generate a txt file containing a random number of lines, each with a random amount of integers, ranging between a minimum value and a maximum value. Lots of rand() fun.
In any case, that was the easy part. The second part of the problem is to read over the first file and create a second file that contains some statistics, such as: the sum of all integers in the file, their average, min and max values, and my main issue: the sum of all integers in each line.
I have written the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
string newLine;
stringstream ss;
int newInput = 0, oldInput = 0;
int lineSum = 0;
int lineCounter = 0;
int allSum = 0;
int intCounter = 0;
double averageOfAll = 0;
int minInt = 0;
int maxInt = 0;
.... // generating the first file. No issues here.
ifstream readFile;
ofstream statFile;
if(readFile.is_open()) {
while (getline(readFile, newLine)) { //my problem should be somewhere
//around here...
ss << newLine;
while(!ss.eof()) {
oldInput = newInput;
ss >> newInput;
cout << newInput << endl;
lineSum += newInput;
allSum += newInput;
minInt = min(oldInput, newInput);
maxInt = max(oldInput, newInput);
statFile << "The sum of all integers in line " << lineCounter
<< " is: " << lineSum << endl;
lineSum = 0;
averageOfAll = static_cast<double>(allSum)/intCounter;
statFile << endl << endl << "The sum of all integers in the whole file: "
<< allSum;
statFile << endl << "The average of value of the whole stream of numbers: "
<< averageOfAll;
statFile << endl << "The minimum integer in the input file: "
<< minInt;
statFile << endl << "The maximum integer in the input file: "
<< maxInt;
statFile << endl << endl << "End of file\n";
} else
cout << endl << "ERROR: Unable to open file.\n";
return 0;
When running the program, it seems like my loops do iterate over all the lines in the file. However, they only collect the integers from the first line, and the rest remains 0.
I would post screenshots of my outputs, but I do not have enough rep :( can anyone help out?
It worked!
inputFile.txt ^
statFile.txt (my output) ^
And like P0W and James Kanze suggested, it was a flag issue and a misuse of my streamstring. I corrected my code as follows:
while (getline(readFile, newLine)) {
stringstream ss(newLine);
while(ss >> newInput) {
lineSum += newInput;
allSum += newInput;
minInt = min(minInt, newInput);
maxInt = max(maxInt, newInput);
Thank you all!