In my app I am using NFC to read tags. I click on the button to enable NFC. A progress dialog is opened to read the NFC tag, and when done, NFC is disabled. That's all working fine. But when NFC is not enabled in the app and I put a NFC tag to the phone, the default Android app reads the NFC tag and puts my app to the background.
How can I disable the Android app?
My code for enabling / disabling NFC:
* @param activity The corresponding {@link Activity} requesting the foreground dispatch.
* @param adapter The {@link NfcAdapter} used for the foreground dispatch.
public static void setupForegroundDispatch(final Activity activity, NfcAdapter adapter) {
final Intent intent = new Intent(activity.getApplicationContext(), activity.getClass());
final PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(activity.getApplicationContext(), 0, intent, 0);
IntentFilter[] filters = new IntentFilter[1];
String[][] techList = new String[][]{};
// Notice that this is the same filter as in our manifest.
filters[0] = new IntentFilter();
try {
} catch (IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(activity.getString(R.string.exception_wrong_mime_type));
adapter.enableForegroundDispatch(activity, pendingIntent, filters, techList);
* @param activity The corresponding {@link MainActivity} requesting to stop the foreground dispatch.
* @param adapter The {@link NfcAdapter} used for the foreground dispatch.
public static void stopForegroundDispatch(final Activity activity, NfcAdapter adapter) {
as soon as your app is running? (in methodonResume()
for example) – Monniemono