I have a model that uses both an association and an enum attribute.
class ProjectItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
enum status: {open: 0, pending: 1, completed: 2}
When I'm running a test on the create action of a model with an association, I use build(:model_name).attributes
like this:
it "creates a new ProjectItem" do
expect {
post :create, document_project_item: build(:project_item).attributes
}.to change(ProjectItem, :count).by(1)
This was failing, and I found this issue thread that explains why it doesn't work. Based on the comment, I was able to determine that on tables with an enum
attribute but no association, things work with attributes_for(:model_name)
as expected.
The issue thread doesn't seem to suggest a work around, though I'll admit I don't understand what 100% of what the FactoryGirl methods are doing behind the scenes. Here's the factory:
factory :project_item do
name { Faker::Company.bs }
description { Faker::Lorem.paragraph }
status :open
due { Faker::Date.between(2.days.ago, 10.days.from_now) }
sequence(:position) {|n| n }
completed_at { Faker::Date.between(1.year.ago, Date.today) }
I tried putting an integer in status
as well, but I get the same error:
Failure/Error: post :create, project_item: build(:project_item).attributes
'0' is not a valid status
instead ofopen
and see if you get the same error with1
instead of0
. – Shuttlecockattributes_for
from the console I get:{... :status=>:open, ...}
, but it does not build a project to associate. When I runbuild(:project_item).attributes
I get:{... "project_id"=>24,... "status"=>0, ...}
. If I change 'status' to'pending'
, it does indeed give me the same error with 1 instead of 0. It looks like with Rails enums I wont be able to build forms in an intuitive way (with integer for value and string for the label), so it may be that enums are not going to make my life any easier at this point. – Lipscomb