Here's my situation:
- I am editing an application's CSS style sheet.
- I can ONLY edit the CSS style sheet (unless I can creatively glom onto another file using the CSS, or possibly add a small jQuery prepend statement in an existing .js)
- Application is ONLY ie6, ie7 and ie8 compliant. They never use FireFox, and it's not an option.
Looking for help with:
1) I think I need to use jQuery to "prepend/prependTo" a "doctype " on to
html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"
Without the !doctype it throws ie8 into quirksmode and of course doesn't accept any styles such as "input[type=checkbox]"
I have not used prepend before. Can you help me with full and correct syntax on how to make the following:
CURRENT: <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
DESIRED: <doctype html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
This has not worked for me yet $("html ").prepend("doctype ")