I am trying to convert a set of regular expression from Adblock Plus rules into an optimized function I could call from C++.
I was expecting to be able to use a lexer generator such as Ragel to do this but when I try with a very small set of Regex the memory usage go very high > 30 GB and Ragel quit without error message and without producing the output file.
I included the toy grammar bellow, I am trying to understand if I am doing anything stupid that could be optimized to solve the issue.
#include <string.h>
namespace xab{
machine lexer;
WILDCARD = /[A-Za-z0-9;\/\?:@=&$_\.\+!\*'~#^,%:\-]/*;
SUBDOMAIN = /([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\.)+/;
SEPERATOR = /[:\/\?=&]/;
main :=
(WILDCARD '&prvtof=' WILDCARD '&poru=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '.a3s?n=' WILDCARD '&zone_id=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/addyn|' WILDCARD ';adtech;' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/addyn|' WILDCARD '|adtech;' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/adiframe|' WILDCARD '|adtech;' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/adserv|' WILDCARD '|adtech;' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/affiliates.' WILDCARD '.aspx?' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/affiliates/' WILDCARD '/show_banner.' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/banner_js.' WILDCARD '?' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/bannerframe.' WILDCARD '?' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/banners.' WILDCARD '&iframe=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/bannerview.' WILDCARD '?' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/bannery/' WILDCARD '?banner=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/cdn-cgi/pe/bag?r[]=' WILDCARD 'cpalead.com' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/delivery/' WILDCARD '?advplaces=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/eas?camp=' WILDCARD ';cre=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/eas?cu=' WILDCARD ';cre=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/eas?cu=' WILDCARD ';ord=' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/ireel/ad' WILDCARD '.jpg' WILDCARD) |
(WILDCARD '/is.php?ipua_id=' WILDCARD '&search_id=' WILDCARD);
write data;
bool matchBlacklist(const char *data) {
const char *p = data;
const char *pe = data + strlen(data);
int cs;
//write init
%% write init;
// write exec
%% write exec;
if (cs >= lexer_first_final)
return true;
return false;