I wonder if there are many servers that are supporting CORS?
To make your web server support CORS, it is as easy as making it return another header.
For example, in Apache2, simply add this line to your applicable conf file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
To be more secure (or if you don't have access to your server's conf file) you might want to NOT add this header in your server, but only add it with your server-side code when you really want it there.
For example in PHP you could do this: (untested)
<? header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"'); ?>
You can find here a simple implementation of a Python 2.7 server supporting CORS
use this code to run your cors proxy server just by
creating a file "proxy.js" and add below code
and run node proxy.js
let host = process.env.HOST || "";
let port = process.env.PORT || 8000;
let cors_proxy = require("cors-anywhere");
originWhitelist: [],
requireHeaders: ["origin", "x-requested-with"],
removeHeaders: ["cookie", "cookie2"],
.listen(port, host, () => {
console.log("Cors Proxy running on 8000...");
after starting this server you can use it like http://localhost:8000/https://example.com
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