Say I have 2 matrices in matlab :
A = [1 4 6 9 11 13 15 18 21]
B = [2 10 19]
Is there a function I can use so that, for every element in B, I am able to find the index of the closest value to that element in A. For instance, in the above example: 2,10 and 19 are numerically closest to 1,9 and 18 in A, and the indices of 1, 9 and 18 are 1,4 and 8, so the function should return [1 4 8].
I know I can use loops to do this but matlab doesn't really like loops plus my matrices are too big and iterating through all values would be very expensive on time.
is the obvious answer. – Cementknnsearch
is available since which MATLAB release? – Bemoanknnsearch
is in the statistics toolbox – Stutzman