I would like to use prepared statements to insert thousands of rows at once into my postgres database. The data to insert is stored in a vector of structs.
By reading the answers to How to prepare statements and bind parameters in Postgresql for C++ I thought I found the way how to do it.
Unfortunately, the current version of libpqxx I am using doesn't support pqxx::prepare::invocation anymore and I wasn't able to find any alternative in the docs/internet.
The code I tried out for my purpose is the following:
//pqxx header
#include "pqxx/connection.hxx"
#include "pqxx/transaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/nontransaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/compiler-public.hxx"
#include "pqxx/result.hxx"
#include "pqxx/prepared_statement.hxx"
#include "pqxx/transaction_base.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/statement_parameters.hxx"
int main(){
struct testData {
string uuid;
float rndNo;
string timestamp;
vector<testData> dataBuffer;
testData dbdata;
string queryStr;
const char* query;
stringstream connStream;
stringstream queryStream;
string DB_NAME = "dbname";
string DB_USER = "postgres";
string DB_PASSWORD = "password";
string DB_HOSTADDR = "";
string DB_PORT = "1234";
string DB_SCHEMA = "test_schema";
string tableName = "test_table";
//Create Random data
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
dbdata.uuid = "fe2b22ba-6ce7-4bbc-8226-d7696fe7a047";
dbdata.rndNo = i / 3.123;
dbdata.timestamp = systemDateTimeSQLFormat(0);
stringstream connStream;
connStream << "dbname = " << DB_NAME << " user = " << DB_USER << " password = " << DB_PASSWORD << " hostaddr = " << DB_HOSTADDR << " port = " << DB_PORT;
connection dbConn(connStream.str());
if (dbConn.is_open()) {
cout << "Opened database successfully: " << dbConn.dbname() << endl;
else {
cout << "Can't open database" << endl;
pqxx::nontransaction W(dbConn);
std::string m_insertCommand = "INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table (column1, column2, column3) VALUES";
int buffSize = dataBuffer.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffSize; i++)
unsigned int countOf$ = i * 3;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (i == 0)
m_insertCommand += "(";
m_insertCommand += ", ";
m_insertCommand += "$";
std::stringstream ss;
ss << countOf$ + i + 1;
m_insertCommand += ss.str();
if (i < buffSize - 1)
m_insertCommand += ") ,";
m_insertCommand += ")";
dbConn.prepare("insert_into_db", m_insertCommand);
pqxx::prepare::invocation = W.exec_prepared("insert_into_db"); //prepare doesn't have a member "invocation"
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffSize; i++)
inv(dataBuffer.at(i).rndNo)(dataBuffer.at(i).timestamp)(dataBuffer.at(i).uuid); //inv not defined
return 1;
- As of 6.0, usetransaction_base::exec_prepared
and friends. Does that help? – Brockington