I am using the bnlearn package in R to train a Bayesian network. I have troubles with the following code (slightly modified bnlearn example code):
fitted = bn.fit(hc(learning.test), learning.test)
var = names(learning.test)
obs = 2
str = paste("(", names(learning.test)[-3], "=='",
sapply(learning.test[obs,-3], as.character), "')",
sep = "", collapse = " & ")
str2 = paste("(", names(learning.test)[3], "=='",
as.character(learning.test[obs, 3]), "')", sep = "")
cpquery(fitted, eval(parse(text = str2)), eval(parse(text = str)))
This code throws the error:
Error during wrapup: cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
It works however if str and str2 are defined outside the function myfuncBN(). Does anyone know the reason for this?