My ZeroMQ
server ( not published here, written in java ) is set to run only after triggering an event and the ZeroMQ
client ( written in python ) is continuously running in background, waiting for server.
For a considerable time period the python client keeps on running properly and then crashes with this error:
Assertion failed: Connection reset by peer (bundled\zeromq\src\signaler.cpp:298)
It happens when the server is not started for a larger time interval.
The client ( python ) app is in the following form
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket( zmq.REQ )
socket.connect( "tcp://localhost:5555" )
socket.send( b"ReadySIG_From_Python_Emitted" )
message = socket.recv()
print( "OrderDetails %s" % ( message ) )
socket.send( b"TERMINATE" )
and instead use the numeric address -- see here for more details why. – CordsMCVE
method of posting the high quality Questions. Text states (cit.:) "... theZeroMQ
client ... is continuously running in background, waiting for server." Update your Question to contain a fully representativeMCVE
for both server & client that can reproduce the problem you are reporting and asking the Community to help diagnose and fix. This is the StackOverflow preferred way to constructively solve and discuss any kind ofMCVE
related issues. – Pituitary