I've got an ACR122U NFC card reader and ACR122T token from ACS. I'm trying to run their NFC Peer to Peer demo.
I've installed the ACR122U SDK, mysql and connector, set up the database, and added the escape command to the registry.
When I try to run the peer to peer demo I carry out the following steps (with resultant log results shown)
Insert NFC ACR122T into USB port.
Open the Smart Poster application and click initalise with reader 0. Log:
D1: 2:04:57 PM Program ready
D1: 2:05:02 PM Succesful connection to : ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 0 Direct Mode
D1: 2:05:02 PM << FF 00 48 00 FF
D1: 2:05:02 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
D1: 2:05:02 PM << FF 00 51 00 00
D1: 2:05:02 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
Insert ACR122U card reader into second USB port with Mifare card on the reader
Open NFC Device application and click initialise with reader 1
D2: 2:05:07 PM Program ready
D2: 2:05:11 PM Succesful connection to : ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 1 Direct Mode
D2: 2:05:11 PM << FF 00 48 00 FF
D2: 2:05:11 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
D2: 2:05:11 PM << FF 00 51 00 00
D2: 2:05:11 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
Enter text into send field in Smart Poster application
Click Activate Smart Poster
Place ACR122U reader with Mifare card onto ACR122T reader
Click 'Read' button in NFC Device application
Logs from NFC Smart Poster Application after this: D1: 2:14:29 PM Entering passive mode
D1: 2:14:29 PM << FF 00 00 00 27 D4 8C 00 08 00 12 34 56 40 01 FE A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 FF FF AA 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 00 00
D1: 2:14:29 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
Logs from NFC Device App:
D2: 2:14:31 PM Entering active mode
D2: 2:14:31 PM << FF 00 00 00 0A D4 56 01 02 01 00 FF FF 00 00
D2: 2:14:31 PM Code: 1
Description: Undocumented error.
It seems like the initial connections to the devices aren't even working properly. I have however been able to write to a Mifare card using the ACR SDK Visitor Management system app (I can write to the Mifare card with the ACR122U reader and the registration app, and read back from it using the ACR122U reader and the exhibitor app, and I can also read this same data from the card using an Android NEXUS S phone. So it would appear that the drivers are working OK (at least for writing/reading Mifare format data).
Why is the ACR122U Peer to Peer demo not working?