With a QR code vcard, the user scans the code with their phone and then the dialog with the "add to contacts" pops up on their phone, such as the code below:
How can I do the same but instead of a QR code scan, I want it to do the same with a button click.
I have tried the following:
var btn = document.getElementById(“clickMe”);
btn.addEventListener(“click”, loadvcard);
function loadvcard(){
url = "BEGIN%3AVCARD%0AVERSION%3A3.0%0AN%3ADoe%3BJohn%0AFN%3AJohn%20Doe%0ATITLE%3A08002221111%0AORG%3AStackflowover%0AEMAIL%3BTYPE%3DINTERNET%3Ajohndoe%40gmail.com%0AEND%3AVCARD";