I got it to work however I had to add the RemoteReader plugin. When I remove the AzureReader2 plugin from my project it still works which makes sense however what is the AzureReader2 plugin benefiting me?
I have done everything that has been outline here (including the comments) but can't seem to figure out why I can't resize images on the fly with this plugin for imageresizer.
This is what my web.config entry under the element looks like:
<add name="AzureReader2" prefix="~/img/" connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[Account];AccountKey=[key]" endpoint="http://<account>.blob.core.windows.net/" />
and I have set up my container to be called 'img'.
When I go to this URL to test it out:
The image shows up but just in its regular size. I've also tried running this locally and on the live side AWS but still get no resizing :(
it doesn't give me the resized image.. I have to usehttp://<account>.azurewebsites.net/remote/<account>.blob.core.windows.net/img/image.jpg?width=50
to get it to work :( – Oyster