My name is Luca and I am currently working on iOS continuous integration to build apps in xcode for distribution (Ad Hoc and App Store) using shell-scripting.
So far I achieved good results with IPA files. My problem comes for distribution in App Store. To build a .app from script (passing some arguments) I do:
xcodebuild -scheme myScheme -configuration myConfiguration PRODUCT_NAME=myProductName TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=myTargetedDeviceFamily .... etc
Since with XCode 4.2, apps submission is done using the XCode Organizer Window I must be able also to archive my executable.
Therefore I modify the previous command line as follow:
xcodebuild -scheme myScheme -configuration myConfiguration PRODUCT_NAME=myProductName TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=myTargetedDeviceFamily .... etc **archive**
Unfortunately after I do so, it seems that the 'archive' argument force xcodebuild to ignore the other ones (PRODUCT_NAME, TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY, ....) and my output is built using the XCode predefined build settings.
I want to be able to pass the arguments with xcodebuild and be effective, but the 'archive' action seems to prevent this.
I am going nuts, please help :)