I've modified the bluetooth chat example from the SDK demos to be able to control an arduino powered bluetooth LED matrix. Using the chat program, I can send messages to the display via bluetooth. I have a problem though. I've done two screen layouts, a portrait and a landscape. This way I can have the interface occupy the most space on the phone, regardless of orientation.
The problem is that if the phone is rotated, OnDestroy() is called, to reload the new layout (landscape, or portrait). In the OnDestroy() routine I also destroy the bluetooth link, if it is established:
public void onDestroy() {
// Stop the Bluetooth chat services
if (mChatService != null)
if (D)
Log.e(TAG, "--- ON DESTROY ---");
Reading other posts on here, I've found that you can prevent the service from being stopped by adding "android:configChanges="orientation"" to the Manifest. Doing this, when I rotate the screen, my bluetooth link to the display is no longer terminated, however now the screen doesn't redraw in landscape mode.
To fix this, I am thinking of removing the "if mchatservice..." section, which is terminating the connection, but then I will still need the code to run when the application is ultimately exited.
Is there a way to have the screen redraw when rotated, without terminating the connect? If not, I think I can always move the service code to the OnPause() event, however this will terminate the connection if the app ever looses forground focus.
Are there any other ways?
Thanks! – Eastsoutheast