Thanks to @Đặng Anh Hào I was able to get on track. As my cursor is a String and not at Int, the Paging Source load function looks like this:
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<String>): LoadResult<String, Order> {
return try{
val response = service.getOrders(query,params.key?:"",10)
val nextKey = if(response.paging?.cursors?.after=="false") null else response.paging?.cursors?.after
val prevKey = if(response.paging?.cursors?.before=="false") null else response.paging?.cursors?.before
}catch (exception: IOException) {
} catch (exception: retrofit2.HttpException) {
and the onrefreshkey looks like this:
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<String, Order>): String? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let {
The repository method looks like this:
fun getOrdersPaginated(storeId: String): Flow<PagingData<Order>> {
return Pager(
config = PagingConfig(enablePlaceholders = false,pageSize = 10),
pagingSourceFactory = {PagingSource(apiService,storeId)}
And the View Model method is like this:
private val _pagedOrders = MutableLiveData<PagingData<Order>>()
val orders get() = _pagedOrders
private var currentQueryValue: String? = null
private var currentSearchResult: Flow<PagingData<Order>>? = null
fun getOrdersPaginated(storeId: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
currentQueryValue = storeId
val newResult: Flow<PagingData<Order>> = repository.getOrdersPaginated(storeId)
currentSearchResult = newResult
currentSearchResult!!.collect {
_pagedOrders.value = it
The activity calls the paging like this:
private var searchJob: Job? = null
private fun getOrders() {
private fun listenForChanges() {
viewModel.orders.observe(this, {
searchJob = lifecycleScope.launch {
And finally the adapter is the same as a ListAdapter, the only thing that changes is that it now extends PagingDataAdapter<Order, OrderAdapter.ViewHolder>(OrdersDiffer)
For a more detailed tutorial on how to do it, I read this codelab