We have a database of addresses that we deliver to. It consists of the following data;
ZipcodeId (points to seperate table with zipcodes, which holds cityName)
Would it be possible to highlight all those addrresses on a map like GoogleMaps (preferred), Bing, OpenStreetMap, etc. ?
I know how to add polylines, and have done geocoding in the past for addresses.
A possible issue with the data, is where it covers whole street they practise have been to just set the NumberTo to 9999. If i plot an address into google Earth with 'StreetName 999, City' it will place the point in the middle of the length of the street.
Also tried a random number, and it placed the marker on a building instead of on the street.
I don't know if it's different for GoogleMaps..
I think that the DirectionsService in GoogleMaps API is the way to go, now i only need to figure out if and how i can use it multiple times on a map.