I have dynamic links working fine on Android and the long dynamic link works as expected on iOS but for some reason I can't get the short dynamic link to work on iOS.
It seems to be treating the link as a normal deeplink.
Short link (does not work on ios, ok on Android): https://go.xxxxx.app/3Xou
Long link (works): https://go.xxxxx.app/?link=https://member.xxxxx.app/register?tenant-slug%3Dmtbcats&apn=app.xxxxx.xxxxx&isi=1573527302&ibi=app.xxxxx.xxxxx&efr=1
Any ideas on why this is not working?
I realise there are several other questions on this but none of the answers helped me.
Other info
I have completed steps 1-3 from this document https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/ios/receive?authuser=0#open-dynamic-links-in-your-app but not steps 4-7 as I don't believe I need to do those for an Ionic Capacitor app
I am using a physical iPhone 8 with iOS 15.4.1
This is my deeplink which works fine if I click the url on my device: https://member.xxxxx.app
I have an app association file set up here: https://go.xxxxx.app/.well-known/apple-app-site-association I also set it here as I wasn't sure whether to set it up for the dynamic link as well: https://member.xxxxx.app/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
This is the contents of my app association file:
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "myAppId.app.xxxxx.xxxxx",
"paths": ["*"]
I have the following Associated Domains set up in Xcode: applinks:go.xxxxx.app applinks:go.xxxxx.app?mode=developer applinks:member.xxxxx.app applinks:member.xxxxx.app?mode=developer
I have the capability associated domains turned on in my Apple Developer identifier.
My app is published to the app store but not the latest version of the app with the associated domain member.xxxxx.app and go.xxxxx.app.
I have added my app and team id to Firebase on the ios app.
I have "Associated Domains Development" turned on in the developer settings of my iPhone.
I added FirebaseDynamicLinksCustomDomains in my info.plist as mentioned here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/custom-domains#set_up_a_custom_domain_in_the
Under Xcode -> Info I have added a URL Type with the url Scheme app.xxxxx.xxxxx