Wow I thought I knew my C++ but this is weird
This function returns an unsigned int so I thought that means I will never get a negative number returned right?
The function determines how many hours ahead or behind of UTC you are. So for me I'm in Australia, Sydney so I am +10 GMT which means I am UTC = LocalTime + (-10). Therefore the GetTimeZoneInformation correctly determines I am -10.
BUT my function returns an unsigned int so shouldn't it return 10 not -10?
unsigned int getTimeZoneBias()
DWORD res = GetTimeZoneInformation( &tzInfo );
if ( res == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID )
return (INT_MAX/2);
return (unsigned int(tzInfo.Bias / 60)); // convert from minutes to hours
TCHAR ch[200];
_stprintf( ch, _T("A: %d\n"), getTimeZoneBias()); // this prints out A: -10
debugLog += _T("Bias: ") + tstring(ch) + _T("\r\n");
, in that case it is a duplicate of this question, but there are a lot more problems here with casting back and forth int & unsigned. – Onerous