I have read and deeply understood these: http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.connection-handling.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.register-shutdown-function.php
However, I have tested both PHP 5.1.6 and 5.3 and things DON'T work as described there. What I observe is:
- connection_status() always return true, even after the client has closed the connection.
- execution of the script keeps going on after the client has closed the connection, even though ignore_user_abort is 0
- a function registered with register_shutdown_function() is not run until the script reaches ends. The script is NOT interrupted (and hence the function not called) when the client aborts the connection.
So basically PHP just doesn't detect the client's disconnection AT ALL.
Note that this is NOT as if ignore_user_abort was set to 1: if that was the case then connection_status() would return 1 even though the script would keep running and the shutdown function would not be called until the end. That is not the case.
ini_get("ignore_user_abort") returns 0, as expected.
Is this a bug in PHP, or may this be due to some Apache setting?
How do I get PHP to work as described in the abovementioned documentation?
Test script:
function myShutdown() {
error_log("myShutdown ".connection_status()." ".ini_get("ignore_user_abort"));
echo "Hi!";
error_log(" *** test/test *** ");
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
echo ".";
Steps to reproduce: - visit the url of the script - abort the connection on the client before 10 seconds have elapsed (e.g. hit the stop button in the browser)
Expected/Desired behavior: The logs should show less than 10 dots, and at the end "myShutdown 1 0" (if you watch the log in real time, the myShutDown should appear immediately when the client disconnects)
Observed/current behavior: The logs show always exactly 10 dots, and at the end "myShutdown 0 0" (if you watch it in realtime, it goes on for 10 seconds no matter when the client disconnects).
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