Is there a way using MPI to let spawned processes communicate with all other actors in the MPI_WORLD and not only with the parent that spawned the process?
Now I have two main agents, the so-called master and slave that run the following code (
# Spawn test: master and first slave
import sys
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
if rank == 0 : # master code
print "i am the master on rank %i" % (rank)
running = True
while running :
msg = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=0)
print "master received message: ", msg
if msg == "Done" :
running = False
print "master is done"
if rank == 1 : # slave code
no_spawn = 1
print "I am a slave on rank %i, about the spawn lower slaves" % (rank)
icomm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable,args=["","ben"],maxprocs=no_spawn)
isize = icomm.Get_size()
print "on slave, isize= %i" % (isize)
rec = 0
while rec <= (no_spawn-1) :
msg = icomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=20)
print "slave received message: %s (rec=%i)" % (msg, rec)
rec = rec +1
import time
print "slave going to sleep\n"
for i in range(no_spawn) :
message = ("To spawn from slave",)
for i in range(no_spawn) :
message = ("Done",)
msg = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=0)
print "slave received message: ", msg
The slave, in turn, spawns 1 more processes that runs the following code (, named after the mpi4py tutorial file):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from mpi4py import MPI
icomm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
irank = icomm.Get_rank()
print "Spawn irank=%i" % (irank)
message = "From_Spawn_%i"%(irank)
running = True
while running :
msg = icomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=0)
print "Spawn on irank %i received message: %s " %(irank,msg)
if msg[0] == "Done" :
running = False
print "spawn %i sending a last msg to the master and the slave" % (irank)
comm.send(("To master from spawn",), dest=0,tag=0)
comm.send(("To slave from spawn",), dest=0,tag=0)
Between the master and slave I can send messages by using the comm
communicator. Between the slave and the spawned process I can send messages over the icomm
communicator. But what I really want is to spawn a process and that this process can communicate with both the master and slave over the comm
communicator; see the last two lines of the spawned process. Is that possible? And would it be possible for the spawned process to listen as well to the main comm
used by the slave and the master? Which rank would it be send to / listen to?
The provided code does not terminate because the last two messages send by the spawned process are neither received by the slave or the master. (I run the code with mpiexec -n 2 python