I am logging into a website using my own credentials, but 2FA is active. Therefore, I need a way to "pause" the script until I manually click the button with my mouse.
Note that the button is always clickable, so using an explicit wait like element_to_be_clickable
obviously will not work.
I know how to do this with input()
via command prompt, but I would rather deal with the browser manually since the rest of the script also requires manual browser interaction.
I also know that I could wait until the script detects a certain number of inputted characters, but I do not like this approach because typos.
I know I could use an explicit wait in order to detect something on the following page, but I want to avoid this way in case I ever need to step away from the keyboard before submitting the data. However, I could set an unreasonably long wait period e.g. WebDriver(driver, 999999999)
, but this approach seems super hacky.
Any ideas?
, but this seems really hackish too :/ – Dawdle