I'm working on some software for children, and looking to add the ability for the software to respond to a number of non-speech sounds. For instance, clapping, barking, whistling, fart noises, etc.
I've used CMU Sphinx and the Windows Speech API in the past, however, as far as I can tell neither of these have any support for non-speech noises, and in fact I believe actively filter them out.
In general I'm looking for "How do I get this functionality" but I suspect it may help if I break it down into three questions that are my guesses for what to search for next:
- Is there a way to use one of the main speech recognition engines to recognize non-word sounds by changing an acoustic model or pronunciation lexicon?
- (or) Is there already an existing library to do non-word noise recognition?
- (or) I have a bit of familiarity with Hidden Markov Models and the underlying tech of voice recognition from college, but no good estimate on how difficult it would be to create a very small noise/sound recognizer from scratch (suppose <20 noises to be recognized). If 1) and 2) fail, any estimation on how long it would take to roll my own?