I'm developing an application that uses a background task to keep tracking of the user position every 20 seconds. All is fine, except that when I enter the application in background, a new background tasks is created, so that I can have in final multiple background tasks that are running.
I tried to add [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
in applicationWillEnterForeground
, but that do nothing.
The point is that I want to invalidate/disable all running background tasks when I enter the app and create a new one when I enter in background, or to keep a just one background task running.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[self runBackgroundTask:10];
-(void)runBackgroundTask: (int) time{
//check if application is in background mode
if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateBackground) {
__block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
NSTimer* t = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:time target:self selector:@selector(startTracking) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:t forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
//Location manager code that is running well
, but also uses low power consumption location services). – KeelindidUpdateLocations
delegate method. – Tiphani