I am using the DownloadManager to download an image to the system's gallery and then in the Broadcast receiver (once the download succeeds) using an Intent to set the image as the wallpaper.
Everything was working fine but then recently on 4.4 I started to get an exception in the Photos/Google+ app because it is expecting a content URI and not a file URI.
So my question is if anyone knows how to convert a full file path/URI (file://) into a content style URI (content://)?
Sorry for the lack of source code, I am away from the computer that has the source, but I hope the question makes sense without it, get a content style uri from a full path.
The image is copied into the system's gallery or media gallery, not saved within my apps internal storeage.
Here is an example of what I want to convert:
Here is the error that I get from the Google+ app:
04-21 10:50:35.090: E/AndroidRuntime(7220): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
04-21 10:50:35.090: E/AndroidRuntime(7220): Process: com.google.android.apps.plus, PID: 7220
04-21 10:50:35.090: E/AndroidRuntime(7220): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Image URI must be of the content scheme type
Here is the code that I use to let the user set the wallpaper:
String uriString = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_LOCAL_URI));
Uri u = Uri.parse(uriString);
Intent wall_intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_ATTACH_DATA);
wall_intent.setDataAndType(u, "image/*");
wall_intent.putExtra("mimeType", "image/*");
Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(wall_intent,
"Set As");
try {
Where uriString