I am trying to call the WIC (Windows Imaging Component) factory method CreateEncoder
HRESULT CreateEncoder(
[in] REFGUID guidContainerFormat,
[in, optional] const GUID *pguidVendor,
[out, retval] IWICBitmapEncoder **ppIEncoder
The general idea would be:
encoder: IWICBitmapEncoder;
GUID_ContainerFormatIco, //The GUID for the desired container format
nil, //No preferred codec vendor
For the second parameter, i want to pass nil
; to indicate that i have no encoder preference
But Delphi's translation of the WinCodec.pas is:
function CreateEncoder(const guidContainerFormat: TGuid; const pguidVendor: TGUID;
out ppIEncoder: IWICBitmapEncoder): HRESULT; stdcall;
You'll notice that the second parameter, the optional TGUID
, is declared as const
So how do i pass it nil?
How can i pass a nil
where a const
record is required?
I tried the naïve solution:
factory.CreateEncoder(GUID_ContainerFormatIco, NULL_GUID, {out}encoder);
and while that happens to not fail, it isn't really following the correct rules. It's passing a non-NULL address, that points to a GUID that the API doesn't know about.
I tried the naïve solution:
factory.CreateEncoder(GUID_ContainerFormatIco, TGUID(nil), {out}encoder);
but that's an Invalid typecast.
might also work – Legitimatize